Living in the Future...
The hardest thing about living in Okinawa, currently, is the time difference (we are 13 ours ahead of the east coast and 16 hours ahead of the west coast). When I call back to the states, my family is asleep. When they call me, I am asleep. My Dad is constantly asking me who won the "big game" and if I know the lottery numbers (Oh Dad!!!).The truth is, as you all are headed to bed, I am running out the door to try to get to work. In some cases, it wonderful have a 13 extra hours to procrastinate. But I am certainly missing my sister's voice these days.
Yes, I realize I am on a tropical island, in another country. Yes, it is a dream come true. BUT, can't a girl whine a little? :)
Go team!
Ok, enough of that! I have been working very hard in my classroom this week. It just about ready to actually get real curriculum content on the walls. Nope, haven't even opened the books yet. My whole team will be back from the states visiting family next week and we will all attack the curriculum together. I just LOVE team teaching. We all have our own classrooms and our own style, but 4 heads are so much better than 1. We each have our own strengths and come to the table ready to learn from one another and willing to hear how our friends/teammates can add to our ideas to make them better. I am super psyched about this year...can you tell?Meet the Teacher Night
So until they come home, I have been thing a lot about Meet the Teacher Night. Its the Friday before school starts and I always want to make a good first impression. So, i went through my files to remember what went well in the past. i found this cute thing I did one year that made parents feel more comfortable and opened the doors of communication. Perfect! I just attached it on a basket filled with apples on a desk as they walked in the door, right next to the sign on sheet.
I had to do a great deal of hunting to find its source, but i did it! This little beauty is from Janis Noble from Caffeinated Conclusions. She was the very first blog I read. I love her! Unfortunately, her last post was in October 2011. Boo! I wish she would come back.
Blogiversary GiveAway
So I really excited for Lauren over at The Sweetest Thing. It's her one year blogiversary. She is so sweet that she is having a HUGE giveaway!!! It runs until July 25th but you can enter everyday. Run on over and check it out!
Thank you for sharing this idea. Parents are most definitely teachers! Good luck at Meet the Teacher Night!
I have a hard time with time differences too. My parents are two hours behind me and my grandmother one hour ahead of me. I always have to think about what time it is before making a phone call. I'm not sure I could do 13 hours. That would be very tough, so are allowed to whine!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'